报告人:Aitor Bergara
报告题目:Anharmonic effects and optical spectra in pressure induced metallic and superconducting hydrogen
The recent measurement of a superconducting critical temperature (Tc) of 203 K in the sulfur hydrogen system is a major breakthrough in the field of superconductivity. This measurement offers new hopes to find sooner than later room-temperature superconductivity in other hydrogen-rich compounds or hydrogen itself. Actually, many theoretical calculations have predicted astonishingly high Tc values for hydrogen at megabar pressures. However, considering that anharmonicity has shown to decrease Tc in several hydrides, one might expect anharmonicity might strongly impact superconductivity in hydrogen too. We present first-principles calculations of metallic atomic hydrogen in the 400-600 GPa pressure range in a tetragonal structure with space group I41/amd, which is predicted to be its first atomic phase, an characterize anharmonic phonon frequencies within the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation (SSCHA) and the associated modification on its predicted superconducting transition temperature. Additionally, we will also present the full optical spectra of atomic hydrogen in this phase, which can help to experimentally characterize the metallic and superconducting transitions.